Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino), progress;} / style>

Enjoy these tunes c: ♥

Thursday 25 February 2016

My YouTube!

It's Amy (': 
I'm just updating and informing you guys that I hit 1OO subs yesterday! (24/02/16)
I'm so happy thank you all for subscribing♥
Also I've put up a couple new videos recently so you can check those out:3
To top that off, I levelled up twice on my new account 0 Amy 0 
I'm now level 15 on that:3 Thanks for all your help guys!
It's appreciated greatly, also I'm planning on doing
a dares video for YouTube. 

I've continued with my Trolling videos, part 1-3 are
out now on the channel xD They're funny I guess, I only troll
for fun, but you guys don't seem to hate it so, heck? 
I've also done some random times, which I basically
go around on MSP and enter chat rooms, use forums, go shopping
and chat with my online friends. 

I don't really want to buy V.I.P on this account, I planned
on creating a non-vip account, yet ('; I'm not doing too
bad without any diamonds or my piggy bank, my fame mag
and friends helped me level up, so I thank you all for that.
I'm sure you'll realise I upload quite frequently so you'll
always have something new to watch and my channel
has a variety of videos coming and already out!
If you've got any ideas of what you'd want to see, message 
me through MSP. 

Thanks, and I'll see you in my next blog post or my
next YouTube video!♥

Tuesday 19 January 2016


Hello, so not that long ago I got the diamond pack :'D 
I uploaded a video onto youtube about it, check my channel out; OhAmyMSP

I have 86 k SC left, so I wanted to do a small wishy giveaway soon. 
If you want to enter, just simply send me a message (ON MSP) or comment on this post. :3

I'll probably do the giveaway tomorrow or tonight. I'm not completely sure yet..xD
I'm also working on a new intro to my videos. 
Anyway, please sub to my channel. I'll see you guys soon;**
 Proof of my sc ;D Also since I bought the V.I.P I levelled 4 times xDD Lucky mee. 

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Hey everyone!


Hey everyone, just posting because I've not posted in a while and just wanted to thank you guys for a couple things..

1. You helped me level up. I'm now level 16 xD 

2. I also wanted to say thanks for almost 600 views on Me and Chloe's blog, omg. o-o 

One last thing, I was also planning on buying the diamond pack on my main account, because my back up is 0 Amy 0
So I might do a greet giveaway or whatever.
As on my youtube (OHAMYMSP) I did a wishy give away for new year, which was really fun to do. Please do give me a sub, and I'll post next time :D♥

Friday 18 December 2015


It's Amy! SO Today, I finally got it! xD

V.I.P ♥ I'm so happy, it's amazing, I only ever had it on my other account. 

Although now it's on my main, and I levelled up twice today, so I'm level 13 x'D yay.
I also gave out greetings, it feels so natural to be V.I.P really..


Sunday 13 December 2015


Hey, It's Chloe! I've recently released a movie called 'Cloned.'

It's about some teen clones, that somehow escaped the local lab, just to cause some chaos as fun.
As being stuck in a lab all day would suck, am I right? ;o

Although you'll just have to tune in to find out more about this ;D 

Saturday 12 December 2015


Hey Everyone, Amy here! (((;
I created a youtube o-o yayay.
It's called OhAmyMSP

I've only got one video uploaded, yeah..o-o
Please sub and like my videos♥
Thanks guys, also have a happy new year, and enjoy my latest side posts.

Friday 11 December 2015


Hey Guys! It's FreakiAmyx3 here. 

I've recently released a movie series part one, it's called Anti Depressants.

It's about a girl who lives with her mum, as her dad left them. Other than divorced parents, she's got bullies to deal with, but her friends are blind to that. As time passes on she get's worse, as her life gets worse also. 

What will she do? Give up?  
 Here's the first scene! :'3 Please go give it a view and comment, thanks a bunch guys!♥