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Enjoy these tunes c: ♥

Sunday 6 December 2015


So recently there's been this hash tag floating around MSP, about 'Bring back Old MSP'
What do me and Chloe think? o; Well here's our opinions!


Really I wouldn't mind if they brought back the old MSP, it was pretty awesome and old school compared to now. The old starter page was amazing, they all looked to idol like, if you get what I mean x'DD New MSP is cool and all, but the old one looks way better. 
Do you see what I mean about this page? Like, woah! Total change from the newest update!
How about the old wheels of SC? *-* 

It was great..♥


Personally, I love MSP as it is currently, the new starting page, the SC wheel, everything! :D Although it would be an awesome event if they changed MSP back to the older version for a day or two, just to remember all the changes that they've made.

It may also be good for new comers to see the old forums, profiles, wardrobes and 
chat rooms. Also it would be fantastic if they brought back the ultra rares for the time that the old MSP was back for a bit. I'm sure everyone would enjoy that! xD 
The chats are so different, it's weird o-o 

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